Online Tuesdays 7pm Beginners Meditation with Sarah


Online Beginners Meditation with Sarah

Meditation has so many benefits to help slow the system down so that we can maintaiin an optimum level of awarness and connection to ones self and life expereices. Some experiences can be profund and insightful everyone experiences meditation in theor own unique way. Whats important is to know how to meditate and how to cultivate focus through a series of different techniques. It is my wish to share with you different ways to practice that are easy and to help you inderstand the practice in a gentle way. We will Journey in the last part of the practice for you to work on the inner light and essence of who you are in your own way. You are the primary teacher of your own experience; I am here to guide and support you in your process which I very much look forward to sharing. This gathering is for anyone over the age of 18 whether you are new or an experienced. You are most welcome to join my easy, friendly gathering in meditation.

Tuesdays 7pm AEST

$20 + GST + $1 Bank Fee

Online Beginners Meditation with Sarah

Meditation has so many benefits to help slow the system down so that we can maintaiin an optimum level of awarness and connection to ones self and life expereices. Some experiences can be profund and insightful everyone experiences meditation in theor own unique way. Whats important is to know how to meditate and how to cultivate focus through a series of different techniques. It is my wish to share with you different ways to practice that are easy and to help you inderstand the practice in a gentle way. We will Journey in the last part of the practice for you to work on the inner light and essence of who you are in your own way. You are the primary teacher of your own experience; I am here to guide and support you in your process which I very much look forward to sharing. This gathering is for anyone over the age of 18 whether you are new or an experienced. You are most welcome to join my easy, friendly gathering in meditation.

Tuesdays 7pm AEST

$20 + GST + $1 Bank Fee


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